School Health Services
School Health Services is proud to be part of the collaborative effort which supports student success in Ashe County Schools. The goal of the School Health Services Team is to protect, promote, and improve the health and well-being of students and staff, thus improving a student’s ability to learn. Please utilize the information provided on this website to assist us in providing a safe and healthy school experience for your child. Please contact your school nurse if you have any questions or concerns.Thank you!
Ashe County Middle - Clinic
School Nurses
Mountain View - Regan Perry(Click here to read Bio)Westwood - Libby Matheson
(Click here to read Bio)Ashe County High/AEC - Robin Goss(Click here to read Bio)Blue Ridge - Laura Branch(Click here to read Bio)Stephanie Eggers - Ashe County Middle School(Click here to read Bio)
Branch, Laura
Business: 336-384-4500 Email: laura.branch@ashe.k12.nc.us -
Goss, Robin
Business: 336-246-2400 Email: robin.goss@ashe.k12.nc.us -
Matheson, Libby
Business: 336-877-2921 Email: libby.matheson@ashe.k12.nc.us -
Perry, Regan
Business: 336-982-2400 Email: regan.perry@ashe.k12.nc.us -
Reeves, Crystal
Business: 336-246-7175 Email: crystal.reeves@ashe.k12.nc.us -
Business: 336-384-3591 Email: stephanie.eggers@ashe.k12.nc.us
Eggers, Stephanie